
Any student who operates or parks a motor vehicle on the property of Olin College must obtain a parking permit within 24 hours of bringing the vehicle to campus. Permits are available through Public Safety on the Babson campus, or online at at Further information may be obtained by calling 781.239.5555 (x5555).

Students may only park in designated student parking areas and may not park more than one car on campus at a time. The designated student parking areas are parking lot A, tiers 4, 5 and 6 as well as parking lot B-2 (East Drive).

A non-resident student who brings a motor vehicle into Massachusetts during any portion of the school year that is registered in another state or country must maintain Massachusetts mandated insurance coverage on the vehicle and may be required to affix a non-resident decal or sticker to the vehicle.

At various times, students may need to park in close proximity to their residence to load or unload personal belongings. At such times, the vehicle operator should park so as not to block any building entrances or fire lanes. The vehicle hazard lights should also be activated. Vehicles parked in excess of 20 minutes are subject to ticketing and towing.

The college has designated the Oval in the middle of campus as a pedestrian mall. All but emergency vehicles are banned from this area. Failure to comply will result in loss of student parking privileges.

Additional information about parking, including regulations, fines and ticket appeals can be found at: