Olin College core institutional values

Quality and Continuous Improvement: Olin College will strive for quality in all that it does. It will also strive for continuous improvement in all areas, and will measure its progress with appropriate national standards.

Student Learning and Development: Olin College is a student-centered institution. It will strive to provide educational experiences of exceptional quality and a student life environment that provides for healthy personal development.

Institutional Integrity and Community: Olin College will strive to develop long-term relationships based on honesty, fairness and respect. It will further strive to provide a safe environment that supports freedom of inquiry, acceptance of diversity and a sense of well-being.

Institutional Agility and Entrepreneurism: Olin College will strive to minimize bureaucracy, cost, and institutional inertia in all forms. It will further strive to accept appropriate risks in pursuit of opportunity.

Stewardship and Service: Olin College will strive to provide responsible stewardship of its resources while encouraging a spirit of service to society.