
Library Mission Statement
The Olin College Library advocates discovery, connection, and inclusion for all members of our community. We aim to enrich the educational experience for our students through free access to information and equipment. As the cultural heart of campus, we offer space, learning, and leisure opportunities for the continuous development of social consciousness and self-awareness. Through our unique resources and programming, we offer a gateway to explorations of engineering and a wider world.

Circulation Policies
Standard Loan Periods
  - Books + DVDS: 28 days
  - Course Reserves: 3 hours
  - Tools + Media Equipment: 7 days

Use for longer than one week requires approval from library staff (we almost always say yes). Email to request and confirm.

Power Drills
Power drills can be used in the library for small, shorts project that will not be disruptive to other students. They are meant to supplement what is available to you in the Shops, but the safety rules and practices used in the shops apply in the library, too. That means you are required to take, and wear, safety goggles in accordance with general campus safety policies and best practices.
Overdue/Late Fees
Overdue and replacement fees are not charged to Olin students.

Events + Use of Space
Our library is a flexible space available for faculty, staff and students to study, to work together, to create, and to relax. We ask for advanced notice for organized events, especially those bringing in food or rearranging furniture, purely to avoid scheduling conflicts and to ensure an enjoyable library experience for all.
The library works best as a space for events where the entire community is invited, and we ask that more private gatherings occur in the lower level of the library, or in team rooms.

Patron Privacy
The right to privacy and freedom of intellectual pursuit are core values of the Olin College Library and the library profession as a whole. We maintain the privacy of patron circulation records as recommended by the American Library Association and will not disclose these records, either casually or upon request. Requests for research or reference consultation will also remain confidential. Records containing information about patrons are kept to the minimum needed to maintain library workflows.

A Note On Our Collection
Because of the size of the college and ever-changing curriculum at Olin, we've chosen to pursue a "just in time" strategy for acquiring and retaining content instead of building collections "just in case" they're needed. This approach leverages our consortial and network borrowing powers; interlibrary loan processes; and the model of patron-driven acquisition. The Olin College Library is a member of the Minuteman Library Network and has reciprocal borrowing arrangements with Babson and Wellesley. We will consider adding just about anything to our circulating collection, from Wacom tablets to binoculars.