Technology Requirements

Olin has a responsibility to verify that students enrolled in courses at Olin are able to access the educational program in which they are enrolled. This includes ensuring that students have adequate technology to ensure access. Therefore, students are required to have regular access to at minimum to an adequate computer (minimum for video is operating camera and audio/speakers/microphone/headphones appropriate for group video engagement) and internet (at least1 megabit/second upload and 1 megabit/second download bandwidth, per person, and <500ms network latency). For computational coursework (including SolidWorks), a computer with a Windows 10 system, <5 years old, with Intel i7 dual-core 2ghz+ processor, discrete graphics, 8 gig RAM, and solid state hard drive are adequate. Olin student laptops, purchased Fall 2017 and later, meet this requirement. The Olin campus internet meets the internet requirement. The IT Wiki has more information on testing and maximizing internet connectivity