Stewardship Policies

The Library is one of the most creative and student-driven spaces on campus. We depend on every Oliner’s help to keep it as accessible and useful as possible. You are expected to leave every space at least as clean as you found it (bonus points if cleaner!). This includes:

  • Removing all post-its and whiteboard notes
  • Cleaning up scraps and threads, etc., from makerspaces and tables
  • Remove all trash from team rooms.

To report broken items/restock needs, email We prefer to submit facilities work orders ourselves, and this help us do that faster!


Personal Food

Eating is permitted in the Library, in adherence with the following policies:

  • No dining hall dishes (should never be removed from dining hall)
  • All personal dishes and items should be taken with you
  • Clean your surface and vacuum any crumbs. The Library vacuum hangs on the lower-level stairs. Cleaning spray is in various places around the Library.

Community Food

We allow leftover event food to be left on the Library workbar or a front table for community enjoyment, in adherence with the following policies:

  • Never leave uncovered food out overnight.
    • Event hosts and/or the person leaving the food are in charge of coming back to remove it within the same day.
    • Night/SLAC events should clean up/remove all food that same night.

Lost and Found

The Library has a Lost & Found bin kept on the upper level. The bin is purged once per month. We encourage the community to check it regularly, as we no longer send reminders about this.

Item Donations

We will not add any anonymous/uncoordinated donations into the Library. All non-Library objects found will be added to the Lost & Found, and disposed of each month.

If you would like to add materials to any area of the Library, contact us. If you would like advice on how to recycle an item properly, we’re happy to help where we can.

The Library frequently “receives” anonymous “donations” of items that are simply left in an area and never discussed with Library staff! This behavior (which we assume has the best intentions) causes extra work for Library staff, including student workers, confusion, and unnecessary clutter.

Posting Signage

All posted flyers must abide by Olin’s general Posting policy. Consistent with this, signage may only go on designated boards and nowhere else in the Library. This preserves space usability and clarity between Library signage and flyers.

There are cork/magnet boards throughout the Library. If a board needs more tacks, please email

NO tape, of any kind, is allowed on painted or wooden surfaces in the Library.