Library Safety

Olin students are granted an exceptional level of freedom in our Library. To preserve this access, you must not:

  • Prop entry doors when they are locked (after 5 pm, during breaks, etc).
  • Move bookshelves or any other bulky furniture without Library staff present or prior coordination. Improper use of the mobile bookshelves may result in them breaking, which could lead to injury.
  • Block fire exits, paths to exits, or stairways
  • Climb on furniture

Call Public Safety for actual emergencies (flood, fire, medical, etc.): 781.239.5555.

To report broken items/restock needs, email We prefer to submit facilities work orders ourselves, and this help us do that faster!



  • No improper use of furniture (climbing, etc.)
  • Do NOT move Library bookshelves without prior coordination with the Library. They are extremely heavy and require knowledge of how they work.

Furniture Policies

  • All Library furniture must stay in the Library.
  • Do not bring non-Library furniture into the Library
  • Moving lightweight seating and tables on wheels is permitted, as long as furniture is safely arranged, moved back, and no fire exits are blocked.



Power drills and hand tools in the lower-level workshop space can be used in the library for small, short projects that will not be disruptive to other students. They are meant to supplement the Shop’s collections. The safety rules and practices used in the Shops also apply in the Library. That means you are required to wear safety goggles in accordance with general campus safety policies and best practices.

Other powered tools, saws, and other such items are not permitted to be used anywhere in the Library.

The library’s drills and hand tools on the lower level are intended for in-library use. If you need to borrow hand tools or drills, you may get them from the Shop.