Restorative Solution

If, in a Case that does not involve a potential academic or residential violation of the Honor Code Values, and all members of the Facilitation Team, as well as all Reporters, Reported, and involved Aggrieved Parties, agree that a Restorative Process may resolve the issue presented by the Report, then the Facilitation Team may recommend that Restorative Practices should be used to attempt to resolve the Case. In almost all cases, the Reported must accept responsibility for the reported actions and address the harm done to the Reporter for a Restorative Solution to be appropriate. This does not prevent the Facilitation Team from holding a Discussion or Responsibility Hearing if they deem necessary.  


Initial Discussion 

An Initial Discussion between the Reported and the Facilitation Team is held with the goal of hearing the perspective of the Reported and learning whether they will take Responsibility for the reported actions. In this meeting the Facilitation Team briefly shares the allegations detailed in the Report and relevant additional details or context found through any Investigative Procedure. The Reported is invited to recount their perspective or experience. If major discrepancies or conflicts in experiences or viewpoints are present, they will be clarified if possible. The Reported will then be given the opportunity to accept or not accept Responsibility. If Responsibility is not accepted, the Case will proceed to a Responsibility Hearing. 


Absent extraordinary circumstances, an Initial Discussion shall be held within ten (10) business days of a report being submitted. All Discussions will be closed to all persons other than the Facilitation Team, the Reported, and (optionally) their Supporter. Notice of the Discussion to the Reported shall include the Community Expectations Policy, Honor Code Values, and/or Student Handbook Policies that were reported to have been violated. If the Honor Board is unable to meet its obligations in a timely fashion due to scheduling conflicts, disqualifications, or other reasons that the Adviser determines may compromise its effectiveness, the Adviser may appoint an ad hoc Facilitation Team.


Follow-up Discussion(s)

If responsibility is accepted, the Facilitation Team has the discretion to organize additional Follow-up Discussions and/or develop Sanctions. The goals of Follow-up Discussions are to use the framework of Restorative Justice to address and repair the harm or impact caused by the incident in the Report, for the Reported to take accountability, and for the Reported to foster personal and/or community development. Follow-up Discussions are led by the Facilitation Team and may include facilitated discussion with the Reported, the Reporter (if they agree), Supporters, and/or other impacted community members, as well as facilitated discussion of potential Restorative Solutions and/or Sanctions.


The Facilitation Team may request and/or review recommendations for Sanction(s) from the Reported, the Aggrieved Parties, and the Reporter if they are present at Follow-up Discussions. The Reported may respond to the Facilitation Team’s recommended Sanction(s) prior to the close of the Discussion. The Facilitation Team shall include in the materials it submits to the Adviser to the Honor Board a brief written summary of the Reported’s response. The Adviser reviews the recommended Sanctions and may approve or modify the Sanctions. Modifying the recommended Sanctions should be done rarely, and prior to modifying the Sanctions, the Adviser consults the Facilitation Team and the Honor Board Leadership. The Sanctions are then delivered to Reported by the Facilitation Team or the Adviser.