Submitting a Report

When a community member believes they have witnessed or been the victim of a violation of the Community Expectations Policy, they reserve the right to submit a Report. The Report may be submitted via email to the Dean of Student Affairs or through the Honor Board Report Form for review. The Dean of Student Affairs, or their designee, and the student Honor Board Leadership will collaborate to review the complaint and determine the Merit of the complaint and path to resolution. If it is determined that the reported allegations align with a violation(s) of the Community Expectations Policy, the Dean of Student Affairs, or their designee, will determine whether the alleged violation warrants the activation of one of the accountability processes, and which path, Honor Board or Direct Adjudication, is appropriate).

The format and desired content of the reporting form utilized to report allegations of Community Expectations Policy violation(s) will be determined by the Dean of Student Affairs, or their designee, and the Honor Board, and is subject to change as necessary. At a minimum, the form will require those reporting allegations to cite a minimum of one violation of Community Expectations Policy, inclusive of Honor Code Values and/or Olin policies or procedures.