Owner Responsibilities and Information

Please note that there are some important legal and community standards that, if are not adhered to, means that the Owner may be required to remove the animal from the premises. 

  • The assistance animal must be under the owner’s control at all times.  The Owner must always be in full control of the ESA. The animal must generally be on a leash, harness, or other tether (or in an appropriate crate) unless the Owner’s disability prevents its use, or the use of one would interfere with the Service or Assistance Animal’s ability to be of service. In its sole discretion, the College may require certain animals to be restrained or crated in some circumstances and will make such determinations on a case-by-case basis and notify the Owner about such requirements. 
  • The animal should not be disruptive.  (For dogs, this includes barking, growling, crying, jumping, and destruction of property). The Owner is responsible for assuring that the Approved Animal does not unduly interfere or adversely affect the routine activities of student housing or other residents.
  • The animal must be housebroken.  If you are bringing an animal that cannot or does not follow traditional housebreaking practices, you must maintain a designated waste removal area for the animal.  We expect proper stewardship of your shared space to ensure the health and safety of all members of the campus community.  
  • The animal must be reasonably behaved.  While an ESA may not have formal training, it is up to the discretion of the Disability Services Office to request training for an animal that does not appear to be reasonably behaved.  For dogs, behavior that may result in a request for additional and formal training could include excessive jumping, lunging or pulling at the leash, guarding, growling, playful biting, barking, difficulties being alone in the residence.  If the animal poses any sort of threat or danger to any Olin resident, then this would also be grounds for removing the animal from Olin.  
  • The animal must be safe and cared for. The care and supervision of the Approved Animal is solely the responsibility of the Owner. The Owner is responsible for ensuring the safety of the Approved Animal and the Olin community. The Owner must not have any past or current student conduct issues that may impact the Owner’s ability to care for and effectively control an animal. In addition, the Owner must not have a history of abuse or irresponsible behavior related to the Approved Animal or others that negatively impacts the Owner’s ability to ensure the safety of the Approved Animal or the Olin community. If Olin determines that such conduct issues are negatively impacting the safety of the Approved Animal or the Olin community, Olin will take appropriate measures, up to and including a determination that the Approved Animal may no longer be permitted on campus. 
  • The animal must have an up-to-date vaccination record. In accordance with local ordinances and regulations, the ESA must receive all required and/or recommended immunizations against diseases. Dogs must have current vaccination against rabies and wear a rabies vaccination tag. Other types of ESAs must have appropriate and customary vaccinations. Local licensing requirements must be followed. The College may request updated verification regarding an ESA’s vaccinations at any time during the animal’s residency. 
  • The animal must be in good health. ESAs must be in good health as documented annually by a licensed veterinarian. Appropriate documentation will be determined on a case-by-case basis but may include a vaccination certificate or veterinarian’s statement regarding the animal’s health. The College has authority to direct that the ESA receive veterinary attention in appropriate circumstances. 
  • The animal must be kept clean and live in clean conditions. It is the Owner’s responsibility to remove and properly dispose of any waste appropriately (i.e. using a sturdy, sealed plastic bag for waste disposal). The animal must be clean and well groomed, and measures should be taken at all times for flea and odor control. The Owner's residence may be inspected for pests as needed. Facilities or Residence Life staff will schedule any such inspection. If pests are detected upon inspection, the residence room or hall will be treated using fumigation or other methods by a College-approved pest control service. The Owner will be billed for the expense of any pest treatment above and beyond routine pest management in the residence halls. The Owner will be billed for the expense of any pest treatment above and beyond normal required pest management. The Owner will be held responsible for any room damages including the excessive cleaning or replacement of the carpet. This will be noted on the Room Condition form and during the Health and Safety Inspections. 
  • Owner must report any incidents. In the event of any incident involving property damage or bodily injury by the Approved ESA, the owner is required to submit a written report to the Office of Student Affairs within 24 hours detailing the events of the incident and identifying any other persons involved in the incident or witnessing the incident.  The Owner is financially responsible for the Approved Animal, including for any bodily injury or property damage caused by the Approved Animal. The Owner’s financial responsibility may include replacement of furniture, carpet, window, wall covering, and costs of damage to other College owned property. The Owner is expected to cover these costs at the time of repair and/or move-out. 
  • The animal may not be left overnight without the Owner. Approved Animals may not be left overnight in housing without the Owner. Approved Animals must be taken with the Owner if the Owner leaves campus overnight. 
  • Other conditions or restrictions may apply as needed. The Office of Student Affairs may place other reasonable conditions or restrictions on the Approved Animal depending on the particular facts and circumstances, including the nature and characteristics of the animal.
  • Campus operations will remain the same.  From time to time, the College may use pesticides, pest control devices, de-icing materials, cleaning supplies, and other materials for the maintenance and operation of housing. The College is not responsible for any harm to Approved Animals caused by such materials. 
  • All existing housing policies will remain the same. The Owner agrees to continue to abide by all other College policies, including housing policies. Any violation of this policy may result in immediate removal of the Approved Animal from the College. Reported violations will be reviewed by the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. 
  • Limited access based on safety may be enforced. The College may prohibit the use of Approved Animals in certain locations due to health or safety hazards, where animals may be endangered, or where their use may compromise the integrity of research or fundamentally alter the nature of a program or activity. The safety of locations will be individually considered by the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. If a location is determined to be unsafe for the use of a Service Animal, alternative reasonable accommodations will be explored and provided as appropriate to ensure the individual equal access to the activity.