SCI2310 Environmental Analysis & Science

How do we measure what's happening in our environment, what do we do with that information, and why do we care? This hands-on, project-based course will introduce approaches that environmental engineers and scientists use to analyze complex environmental systems in order to effectively design solutions to mitigate pollution. We will spend the semester making deep-dives into air quality and water quality, which are at the heart of the two leading causes of premature death in the world: chronic exposure to air pollution and lack of access to clean water. The class focuses on building hands-on skills with real-world data analysis, field sampling techniques and lab analysis skills through integrated projects like analyzing pollutant concentrations along the Charles River, and the course will incorporate strong communication themes as we work toward presenting our results to several diverse audiences. Throughout the course, we will study pollution in its broader social, political, and economic context, considering the complex motivations for pollution mitigation and the broader implications of water and air treatment processes.

This course is cross-listed with ENGR2810.



Recommended Requisites

