SCI1220 Human Genetics and Genomics with Laboratory
While the core concepts amongst the versions of Principles of Modern Biology are held in common, the emphasis in this section is on human genetics and genomics. We will explore how the mechanisms of evolution unite all of biology and this will be a common theme throughout the semester. The classical mechanisms and molecular underpinnings of genetic inheritance will be investigated as well as an in-depth study more complex events that influence the outward expression of genes. Ethical implications of genetic manipulations such as CRISPR technology and diagnostic testing will be discussed in depth. Genomics examples from the human, and canine genomes including the latest breaking findings in genetics and genomics will be studied. How geneticists think and work in the laboratory as professionals is explicitly demonstrated through actual student laboratory experience and discovered implicitly through selected case studies.
Students may take more than one course in the SCI1210 through SCI1299
number sequence, as these courses include a significant amount of non-overlapping content and learning experiences. The first course taken by a student may satisfy the biology foundation Course Requirement, and the second class may earn credit towards the MTH/SCI Distribution
Requirement, and
may also be included in a Bioengineering Plan of Study.