Articulation with Babson College, Wellesley College and Brandeis University student judicial systems

Olin College has agreed with Babson College and Brandeis University to enforce their respective conduct standards when their students participate in academic, Co-Curricular and extracurricular pursuits on the neighboring (host) campuses. The Olin College honor system will hear cases in which Olin students are reported of violating a host campus’s standards, using the host’s policies and definitions but Olin disciplinary procedures. Similarly, the Babson and Brandeis judicial systems will hear cases in which their students are reported of violating Olin standards, using Olin policies and definitions but their own judicial procedures.

When on each other’s campuses, Olin and Wellesley students will be subject to the host campus’s standards of conduct for academic integrity. The host campus’s disciplinary process will be used when an Olin or Wellesley student violates the host’s standards. The Student Affairs Office at Olin will work closely with the Dean of Students at Wellesley to determine the best procedures to follow for non-academic issues.

Olin students taking classes or participating in activities on other campuses should familiarize themselves with the host’s student disciplinary system and standards of conduct.

For more information:

The Wellesley Honor Code:

The Babson Community Standards:

Brandeis Student Rights and Community Standards: