AHSE2170 Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering

This course will examine select topics in teaching and learning in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses. The goal of the course is to help participants become effective tutors, teaching assistants, mentors, and future instructors in these fields through a deep examination of teaching and learning in STEM courses. In a seminar format, participants will discuss research on best practices in pedagogy and curriculum design, cognition and learning, student classroom experiences, diversity, and assessment. Students will gain experience in instructional design, pedagogy, and assessment, and will develop a teaching portfolio. (Note: While the course readings are largely on research in science and engineering education, the course will touch on issues in mathematics education, and many course concepts can be extended to mathematics and technology instruction. As well, the theoretical and practical portion of the class may be extended to the K-12 domain.)



Recommended Requisites

must have successfully completed the AHS foundation requirement

