SCI2260 Topics in Bioengineering

Broadly, Bioengineering can be defined as the application of engineering concepts and methods to the solution and study of biological and medical problems. Using a case study approach, this course aims to provide students with a broad understanding of the types of problems Bioengineers explore as well as the engineering and biological methods they employ. We will approach topics through seminar-style discussion of current primary articles from the literature as well as selected hands-on laboratory explorations of topics. Topics to be covered include tissue engineering, use of microfluidics devices for diagnostics, imaging disease states, and prosthetic limbs. In order to explore a topic of particular interest in more depth, students will also write and orally present a research paper on a topic of their choice.

This course is cross-listed with ENGR2600. Taken under the SCI2260 number, the course satisfies advanced Biology. If credit is warranted in Engineering, enroll using ENGR2600.



Recommended Requisites

AP/IB Biology satisfies prerequisite if Olin Foundational Biology has not been taken.

