B. Non-Confidential Olin Reporting Options and Resources

To report a violation, file a complaint, or seek information about the process under the Sexual Misconduct Policy, please contact the Title IX Coordinator (See contact information in Section IV above).

Olin recognizes that an individual may feel most comfortable discussing incidents, situations, and/or allegations with Olin employees whom the individual knows well. It is important to note that Olin employees, other than the confidential resources described above, are considered “responsible employees” and are obligated by law to disclose all reports and relevant information committed by or impacting any community member, that is shared with them, to the Title IX Coordinator concerning: unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and marital or parental status, as well as incidents and allegations of sexual misconduct (including, but not limited to sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence and stalking), and/or retaliation. The Title IX Coordinator will then take the steps to provide the alleged victim with rights and resource information. Responsible employees must disclose all information they know related to a report of potential sexual misconduct including the names of the alleged victim and perpetrator (if known), any witnesses and any other relevant facts including, the date, time and specific location of the alleged incident. Responsible employees include all full or part-time faculty, staff, administrators, and employees at Olin. Resident Resources (R2’s) are also considered responsible employees.

To the extent possible, information reported to a responsible employee will be shared only with the Title IX Coordinator and those who assist in the implementation of Olin’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and procedures. If the incident is an emergency or poses a serious or continuing threat, the responsible employee should first call Babson/Olin Public Safety immediately. If the incident is not an emergency does not pose a serious or continuing threat the responsible employee should not share information with law enforcement without the alleged victim’s consent or unless the employee is otherwise required by law to do so. 

Once a responsible employee learns about an incident, allegation or receives a report, Olin is on notice and then may be required to investigate. In some instances, the alleged victim may express a desire that Olin not investigate the incident. The Title IX Coordinator will strongly consider the request, and will generally honor the request except in limited circumstances where the safety and well-being of the individual and/or the community outweighs the reasons for the request. For information regarding requests for confidentiality or no investigation see Section VI.A.1. 

Whenever possible, responsible employees will disclose their duty to report incidents before someone reveals information about an incident. Olin encourages individuals to speak with a responsible employee so that an incident can be looked into and properly resolved.