Incomplete Policy
In extenuating circumstances, a student may request an Incomplete (I) grade by petitioning the Dean of Student Affairs. If an Incomplete grade is approved, the student will be granted an extension period to complete the coursework. The period of the extension will be determined by the Dean of Student Affairs in consult with the instructor and student.
A grade of I will be listed as a temporary grade and will not affect the grade point average. If the work is not completed by the approved deadline, the incomplete grade of I will be changed to IF, Incomplete Failing, or an alternate grade upon approval of the instructor and the Dean of Faculty. An IF grade does affect a grade point average. An Incomplete is generally approved only when some specific event or illness prevents the student from completing a specific part of the course (such as completing a paper, project or exam).
An Incomplete will not be approved in instances where a student is demonstrating an overall difficulty covering or understanding the course materials and appears to need more time or additional instruction to learn the material. If such general difficulty occurs the student should discuss available options with his or her course instructor and adviser well before the end of the semester.