ENGR2299 Special Topics in Design Engineering

Special Topics in Design Engineering classes (ENGR X299) typically cover a specific topic in Design Engineering and are intended to enhance and expand the selection of offerings from semester to semester.


Variable Credits ENGR


FA16:  Critical Designer, Activist Engineer:  Making Things and Making Things Happen; 4 credits (Hendren)

What happens when design and engineering research results in activism, human rights work, politics, or matters of equity and justice? Engineers and designers are often thought of as ""problem-solvers"" in mostly technical, practical, and formal senses. But this class explores the equally compelling history of engineering and design projects that raise difficult questions, aid marginalized communities, address urgent social issues, or create new conditions. We'll talk to designers, artists, and engineers who work on issues of sustainability, power, health, education, and more. And we'll run our own experiments in creative design work for the public good. The class includes significant reading, field trips and lectures, short experiments, and a culminating project.