AHSE1135 The Digital Eye: Photography, Vision, and Visual Communication
We live in a world that is fundamentally visual and yet formal teaching and learning about visual communication is almost entirely reserved for specialists. Similarly learning about the evolution of vision and the molecular foundations of human vision are not often dealt with in introductory biology courses. This course seeks to remedy the lack of engagement with these topics at the foundational course level. In this studio-based project-oriented course students will develop an understanding of what it takes to make original art through first-hand experiences in a supportive environment. As a means to this end, students will gain facility with digital single- lens reflex (DSLR) cameras, digital photo editing and printing methods using state-of-the-art equipment. As this is an AHS foundation course students will also have an opportunity to further develop writing communication skills and critical thinking ability. The course will also address the history of photography, consider the work of a number of contemporary fine art photographers and answer the question "Why has photography changed everything?"